How to Come off the Pill Safely & Avoid Post Birth Control Syndrome

Get the exact strategy I implemented to heal from Post Birth Control Syndrome, so you can avoid it altogether!


It wasn’t until 6 months after coming off birth control, that I started experiencing side effects…

Hi there, I’m Brenna!

Prior to coming off birth control, I’d heard about all of the scary side effects, but I decided to try my luck and it turned into one of the worst years for me, health-wise.

We’re told that after we come off the pill, things should return to normal. That’s a flat out lie.

After coming off the pill, I gained 20 lbs, had painful/heavy periods, acne like never before, brain fog, NO sex drive, and worsened anxiety/depression.

Like so many women, I was put on the pill to: balance my hormones and get rid of painful, debilitating periods and stubborn acne. What I didn’t realize was, the pill was a bandaid, instead of a resolution.

When coming off the pill, unsupported, all of those symptoms (and then some) that I’d been trying to avoid came back with vengeance.

The pill suppresses natural hormonal processes, causing your brain and reproductive organs to stop communicating. So what happens when you no longer have a daily dose of artificial hormones? Your body needs targeted nutrition and lifestyle changes to get the gang back together again. I can’t tell you how many hours I researched and. how many different solutions I implemented before finding a protocol that actually helped.

I decided to write this guide, so women seeking answers could find everything they needed in ONE place!

While I began my journey well after coming off the pill, I wish I had taken it more seriously to support my body sooner and bypass the months of misery that followed before I was able to gain control back over my life. Whether you’re considering coming off because you’re in search of a better option to preventing pregnancy, are wanting to start a family, or you’ve already come off it and are dealing with the aftermath, Nourish & Flow can help.

 Reasons women decide to go off the pill

*I am not anti-birth control, but I do want to make sure that women can make informed decisions on their health and know all of their options.

Long Term Effects

I didn’t realize all of the long term impacts that the pill or hormonal birth control can have on the body. I knew it increased risk of blood clots and certain cancers, but I wasn’t told it could permanently change how the liver processes toxins or how it can increase insulin resistance, or how it can cause a breakdown in the integrity of the gut lining which can lead to leaky gut and other digestive issues.

Side Effects I was Experiencing

While I had always dealt with anxiety, my outlook on life had always been a fairly positive one. However, after switching brands of birth control, I quickly noticed a change in how I was feeling: I was more depressed, irritable, my libido tanked, and I was defeated about life in general. I switched brands again, but it wasn’t until after I got off the pill and got through Post Birth Control Syndrome that I started to feel like myself again.

Discovered Other Options

There are plenty of ways to prevent pregnancy (if that’s your goal) without being on hormonal birth control. Not only does it interrupt your ovulation, but you also get to learn more about the in’s and out’s of your cycle, making you an expert on your body! Natural forms of birth control get a bad rep for being inconvenient or just simply not effective, but they’ve come along way and all options are outlined in Nourish & Flow.

Trying to Get Pregnant

The information in Nourish & Flow is especially important if you're trying to get pregnant. Your body is deficient in key nutrients needed for a healthy baby, so I would highly recommend following the protocol in this book for at least 3 months prior to trying to conceive. Plus, I go over the fertility awareness method, which will outline how to track your ovulation window.


“I came off the pill in April 2021. My period didn’t return and my acne was worse than it had ever been (a huge reason I went on the pill in the first place). I almost gave up and went back on the pill, but I came across Brenna’s instagram account and reached out. After reading Nourish & Flow I made some simple changes and got my period back. And my skin has improved dramatically.  Thank you for helping other women with easy and realistic interventions”

-Sarah, T.


 01 — Basics of the Menstrual Cycle

Learn everything you should’ve been taught about your menstrual cycle as well as a guide to syncing with your cycle through diet and lifestyle.

02 — Fertility Awareness Method

If you’re coming off birth control but still looking for a way to prevent pregnancy, this chapter covers how to track ovulation and learn the rhythms of your body more intimately.

03 — Coming Off the Pill

This includes 5 pillars to focus on when coming off the pill including specific tips and supplements to incorporate for blood sugar balance, gut health, liver detox, and nutrients that the pill depletes.

04 — Diet & Lifestyle

Provided is foods to crowd out and foods to include in your diet to help combat inflammation that the pill causes to eliminate symptoms of Post Birth Control Syndrome. Also included is lifestyle factors that play a key role in hormonal wellbeing.

05 — PMS, PBCS, etc.

What happens if you aren’t ready to come off the pill but still want to support your body, or all of the PMS symptoms that you were trying to avoid return. This chapter is dedicated to troubleshooting any issues that could arise coming off the pill.


“I’d been on the pill for close to 10 years. I was terrified to come off of it, because of horror stories I’d heard about the side effects. After reading Nourish & Flow, not only was I reassured on my decision, I felt empowered to get to know my body better.”

-Stephanie, P.

“Brenna, I just wanted to say thank you for everything you do. I finally got my period back after coming off the pill a few months ago. And the best part…my cramps are minimal and I’ve actually learned to enjoy tracking my cycle. I was terrified to come off the pill, but your guide made it so easy.”

-Grace, M.

Meet the Author

Hi there, my name is Brenna!

I am a holistic dietitian who specializes in hormonal imbalances and gut health. I live in Charlotte, NC with my dog Winston and love all things food, health, and wellness! I became passionate about women’s health after suffering from hormonal imbalances myself and shortly thereafter The Balanced Buzz was born.

I’ve helped dozens of women heal from hormonal birth control and transition to a more natural form if their goal continues to be avoiding pregnancy. It’s been an absolute pleasure to help my inspiring clients, hear their stories, and watch them transform their lives.

I hope you’ll stick around and join the balanced buzz community, where we aim to empower and inspire women to to get in touch with their cycles and body’s. You can reach out to me at or connect with me at @brenna_allard on instagram.


"I wish I had known all of this before going on the pill. It would have saved me months of symptoms and dealing with hormonal imbalances caused by 8 years of being on hormonal birth control. "

-Lauren, D.

“I started the Nourish & Flow protocol about a month before coming off of the pill because my husband and I were ready to start a family. I spoke with Brenna on instagram and she recommended doing the protocol for at least 3 months prior to conceiving. The section on fertility awareness was especially helpful and I can confidently predict when I’m ovulating!

-Gwen, M


  • Nourish & Flow is for any menstruating individual of reproductive age! It not only talks about coming off birth control, but also dives into your cycle, how to align with the different phases of the menstrual cycle, the fertility awareness method and lastly provides a realistic guide for women to avoid post birth control syndrome.

  • Great question! I’m a registered dietitian who specializes in hormonal imbalances and connecting women with their cycles. I believe in a whole body and holistic approach to healing and take my clients physical, mental, and spiritual needs into account.

  • Every one is unique and comes with bio-individual needs. So while results are not guaranteed, this book offers the best guidance for setting yourself up for success.

  • Absolutely not! While, it is ideal to start making these changes 1-3 months prior to coming off the pill, there is no time like the present. This guide is for anyone who is thinking of coming off the pill or who has recently (within the past 6 months) come off the pill and want to avoid or relieve any side effects.

  • Yes! The cycle syncing section of this book as well as the lifestyle recommendations will be helpful to relieve symptoms of PMS.


Have a Look Inside:

Nourish & Flow


  • Guide to non-hormonal birth control, highlighting the fertility awareness method

  • 5 Pillars to Coming off the Pill

  • Nutrient deficiencies and how to correct them

  • Diet & Lifestyle Guide

  • Troubleshooting