How to Manage Stress More Effectively

Stress is a part of life - its inevitable. However, we do have some control over how we respond to stressors and to what extent we allow it to take hold over our lives. It takes some practice and retraining your brain, but the good news is, it can be done!

For instance, I’m sure you’ve had some kind of encounter or have observed someones with crazy road rage. I’ve seen someone literally get out of their car in the middle of the interstate to yell at the person behind them (…yes, seriously). Isn’t it sad? That individual clearly needs some stress management techniques (and maybe Jesus).

So maybe you don’t put everyone in danger on the highway on your way home from work, but stop and think about the last time that you let your stress get the better of you. Chronic stress manifests in a myriad of ways such as snapping at loved ones, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, difficulty sleeping, changes in appetite, being more emotional, procrastinating, etc. Wouldn’t it be beneficial in those times to have some tools in your toolbox to help you through the thick of it? Here are just a few ways that you can manage your stress more effectively.


Talk about beating a dead horse; I will never stop touting the benefits of journaling. It’s helped me through so much in my life and trust me it’s normal to feel kind of silly when you first start but the benefits outweigh the embarrassment. Or maybe you just don’t know what to write about, here’s a link to over 150 journal prompts for getting to know yourself better, working through hard times, inner child work, shadow work, etc.

The beauty of journaling is that it helps to organize your thoughts that you may have trouble saying aloud. Often times, things will come out on paper that are from your subconscious and you weren’t actively aware that you felt that way. It’s pretty incredible to bear witness to the inner workings of your mind. You can either start a daily journaling practice or begin by journaling when you feel stressed or overwhelmed and see how much better you feel afterwards.

Establish a Morning Routine

I am a different human when I’ve taken time for myself in the morning. Your morning routine is just that - yours! You don’t need to spend an hour meditating like Becky does from Tiktok (no disrespect to becky) or go to the gym because that’s something your favorite instagrammer does. Pick 3-5 things that you will actually do and give yourself a little more time in the morning to get them done. Some ideas include: making your favorite cup of coffee, eating breakfast, skincare, making your bed, journaling, meditating, going for a walk, reading a non-fiction book, packing your lunch for work, something creative, morning sex. It’s whatever you make it!

Stop Scrolling

Scrolling or watching the news can cause more stress than we give them credit for. Think about it: if you have the news on in the background every morning and hear about war, policy changes, or violence, that’s going to spike your cortisol. Or if you’re scrolling your social media and constantly comparing yourself to other peoples lives that also causes your body stress. Turn the tv off, take a day off social media to see how your frame of mind shifts.

Take Time for Yourself

You cannot pour from an empty cup. If your depleted, it’s going to be a lot easier to fall prey to stress. Something that I’ve been trying to implement more of in my life lately is doing something each day for my mind, body, and soul. This often looks like reading, walking/yoga/lifting weights, and something creative. Prioritizing yourself isn’t selfish, it’s a key ingredients to mental health and wellbeing.


Meditation is hands down on the of the best things you can do for yourself when it comes to stress. Not oonly does the practice itself lend to relieving stress and reducing anxiety, but you are also training your brain to be present which comes in handy in stressful situations. Read my post here for tips and guided meditations for beginners.

While these are all great ways to reduce overall stress and how you handle future stress, here are a few tips for dealing with acute stressors like meeting with your boss, giving a presentation, doing an interview, or going to a social event with social anxiety:

Tips for in the moment stress relief:

-Move Locations: Simply moving around or moving to a different location can cut down on the anxiety your feeling. Next time you have to give a virtual presentation or do an over the phone interview, right before, move locations.

-Take up Space: If you’re nervous for a job interview, a presentation, or some kind of social gathering go stand in front of the mirror and make yourself as large as possible. Stand with your arms overhead and your feet spread out. It sounds and looks goofy, but it’s been shown to boost your confidence and make you feel more powerful. Plus it might just make you laugh and laughter is the best medicine.

-Tell Your Brain “I’m Excited”: Your brain can’t tell the difference between excitement and anxiety. So instead of telling yourself how nervous you are, flip the narrative and start saying how excited you are! I did this right before job interviews and it was amazing how much more calm I was.

-Deep Breaths (but not in the way you think): Interestingly, when you take a deep breath in your heart rate speeds up. So, take a breath in and then take another short breath in, hold it, and then release all of the air in your lungs so you’re ultimately taking a deep breath out (which slows your heart rate).

Stress impacts our gut, immune system, cardiovascular system, and just about every bodily process you can think of. It wreaks havoc and is not hard to come by thanks to todays society. Taking steps to manage your stress and how you respond to it is a vital part of health. Try out one of these recommendations and be sure to let me know down below your favorite stress-busting techniques! As always, thanks for stopping by for a little balanced buzz <3


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