Cycle Syncing: Getting In-Touch with Your Cycle
Cycle Syncing: Getting in Touch with Your Body
Up until now, maybe you’ve only thought about your menstrual cycle in terms of getting your period once a month. And while that is the more memorable aspect of our cycle, that is only one small part.
After coming off the pill, I wanted so badly to reconnect to my cycle and learn the ebbs and flows of my unique self. Enter cycle syncing. Cycle syncing is basically getting into the rhythm of your cycle by tracking how you are feeling and physical symptoms throughout the month. You may have noticed that throughout your cycle you get different discharge or maybe you notice that around ovulation you are more interested in sex. What about patterns in motivation, productivity, mood, energy, etc?
One of the best ways to get in tune with your body is to start noticing your own specific patterns and then to live by those patterns. This can be anything from your energy, cravings, motivation, creativity, libido, or how social your feeling. By being present with your cycle, it gives you the ability to intuitively give your body what it needs. While this may look different for every woman, I wanted to give a general guide as to what it could look like for you.
The first step though, that every menstruating individual should do is to start tracking your cycle and write down everything from energy levels, to acne flareups, to PMS symptoms, and everything in between. At the very least, it will feel empowering to know your body on a more intimate level. In today’s post, I will be covering each phase of the menstrual cycle and what you might expect.
Menstrual Phase “Winter” | 3-5 days
The menstrual phase starts one day 1 of bleeding. It is the beginning of your cycle, but I like to think of it as the end. Where everything from the past cycle comes to a close and is able to be shed from the body. It’s also often compared to winter because you feel more tired and introverted, wanting to go inwards and rest. Energy levels during this phase are usually at their lowest and it is a good time to rest and relax with little activity. The best activities for this time include walking, taking a bath, journaling, deep breathing, and napping. Give yourself permission to do so. Libido is likely low during this time, but can actually alleviate certain PMS symptoms like cramps.
It’s easy to resent PMS symptoms, but have you ever thought they might be your body’s way of trying to tell you something? Maybe cramps, is your body asking you to rest and take it easy or the irritability is just a sign that you need to be more present with yourself rather than trying to be with other people.
In terms of eating patterns during this time, it’s helpful to think about the phases in terms of the seasons and eat how you would during that time. For instance, the menstrual phase is compared to winter and is a good time for soups, stews, and warming foods.
Follicular Phase “Spring” | 7-10 Days
The follicular phase is the spring of your cycle. It’s also more aligned with “yang” energy (if you are familiar with yin and yang), as it is more about masculine energy and output. It’s the time to tap into your productivity and check things off your to-do list. You may feel very creative/focused and like you have many ideas beginning to blossom. This is a great time to start a new project as the creative juices are flowing. In terms of energy, it will likely begin to pick up during this phase and some activities to incorporate include hiking, jogging, and yoga. Due to a rise in estrogen and testosterone, libido usually begins to pick up. However, you may not feel as wet during this time, so might benefit from the use of lube.
Lastly, think about what types of food you would incorporate in the spring. Sprouted foods, fermented foods, and foods high in antioxidants. This is a good time for steaming and sautéing.
Ovulatory Phase “Summer” | 1-3 Days
Learning to track ovulation, is an art all on it’s own- you can read more about that, here. The ovulatory phase is the summer phase and much like in summer you will have lots of energy and be more social. This is a great time to nurture your relationships, communicate with others effectively, share ideas, and put yourself out there more. Unsurprisingly, libido is at its peak as this is when you are your most fertile (funny how that works). Energy will also be at its highest and is a great time for HIIT workouts, heavier weight lifting and endurance exercises, or trying out something new like that kickboxing class you’ve been wanting to try.
In summer, fresh raw foods such as juices or salads sound so refreshing and during your ovulatory phase are the best foods to eat.
Luteal Phase “Fall” | 10-14 Days
Lastly, we have the luteal phase. It is the “fall” of the menstrual cycle and is that time to begin winding down to prepare for winter. You may start to feel more introverted and energy levels might start waning (especially during the second half of this phase). Focus on managing stress during this time, as your tolerance and patience levels may begin to plummet. This is a good time for lots of self-care and detail oriented projects. Because energy levels are decreasing, scale back on the intensity of your workouts. Light weight lifting, pilates, or walking are good exercises to incorporate.
In terms of foods to eat try grains, steamed/cooked vegetables, antioxidant-rich foods, and high quality protein. One of the most important things you can do to set yourself up for a happier period is to manage blood sugar. See this post for tips on blood sugar control.
Women were designed to live cyclically, but because of our “grind” culture and go-go-go society, we suppress those inner callings and push through to get sh*t done. It’s not weak to listen to your body, it’s empowering. Regardless of what our external world tells us, we do have drastic changes in energy, libido, and motivation and should work with it instead of trying to ignore it. I would love to hear about your thoughts on this topic or if you have your own experience with cycle syncing, so make sure to leave a comment down below. I’ve found it’s given me a deep appreciation for my body and being a woman. If you’re interested in this topic, I have an ebook that goes into further detail on connecting with your cycle and period.
Finally, cycle syncing won’t really be possible if you are on hormonal birth control, as it suppresses that entire process. If you’ve been looking for a more natural form of birth control or are in the space to come off of it, I would highly suggest it. You can find my guide to coming off birth control safely and options for natural birth control here. As always, thanks for stopping by for a little balanced buzz.